
First install the Microsoft. Net framework into your computer, windows xp sp1 and sp2 can wear dotnetfx-me file we provide.

  1. How to install the software MFI and RadioLab Tool
  1. Go to the folder within MML, and do double click to run the setup file MMLsetup.msi
  2. Continue to complete the installation process MMLsetup
  3. After installation is complete MMLsetup, copy the folder "MML" from Disk and paste overwrite the drive C: \
  4. Copy the folder "RadioLabTool" from Disk to the computer, be on drive c or d on your drive.
  5. configuration.xml file copy in a folder how to use the MFI v1 without disabling the internet to the folder C: \ MML \ Configuration \ so that the program can still be used without the need to disconnect the internet connection

  1. How to Use software to change imei and pin

Before upgrading the Blackberry must first disconnect all Internet connections
  1. Turn on the unit we shall exchange blackberry imei and pin
  2. Run the software "MFI multiloader", enable "autostart" and enable "full erase" and then deactivated again "autostart".
  3. Plug the data cable, to connect the pc with your blackberry unit.
(NB. Make sure the Internet connection on your pc and desktop manager software blackberry bole are not active on your pc when you do change imei and pin)
  1. After the unit is connected pc with your blackberry, it will display the start button, do click on the button.
  2. Wait until the process appears in the display unit PASS and blackberries we will show the number "1" at top left of the screen.
  3. Perform typing in our blackberry units with the "S", "T", "A", "R", "T"
  4. If you've typed bener us, then the screen it says "factory OS".
  5. Close the software MFI multiloader ...
  6. Open software radiolabtool
  7. Make sure the unit is still connected with our blackberry pc via data cable.
  8. Click the upper left corner of the connect button, it looks like the picture.
  1. Look after our units are connected, then click on the ID, as shown in the picture:
  1. In the "ID" we can see the imei and pin for blackberry us who, with the way press the "READ" at the IMEI and PIN to do jg.
  2. After read imei and pin us, we can do onsite, with the edit, after edit, do click the button "write" to make the process menulisan into our blackberry unit
Usually when we change the pin, it should also change its imei
  1. After do change imei and pin, do click the disconnect button as shown in the picture:
  1. Not blackberry desktop manager software ... be sure not tersetting auto sync.
  2. And make sure it is installed firmware blackberry blackberry fit our model.
  3. Do install or update the firmware as usual until the end
  4. ENDS

When finished mengUnlock (with the first software multloader MFI) and replacing PINs (software radio lab tool), unplug the cable from the phone and then plug in again to refresh the connection to the computer

Open the desktop manager software and then see how to manually upgrade the firmware upgrade for hp version should be upgraded / completed in order to use the program again.

NB: since about the month of April 2009, the AT & T managed to prevent unlock blackberry, how AT & T block is, for every hp AT & T's newest product, if we replace the PIN it, then when the registers reset to blackberry, hp will be detected as pirated goods and will be destroyed by the AT & T and will appear the words radiocore catfailed, therefore, if there are users who ask for unlock hp BB imaginable article AT & T, bilangin first risk, because if the goods production long before March 2009 was not problematic, but if a new item can be problematic

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